Wednesday, 31 August 2016

North Downs blue flora

The Downs have changed colour. Following the spring and early summer predominantly pink and yellow flowers, we now have a predominance of scabious, devils' bit scabious and knapweed. The first two seem to grow in absolute harmony with both species mixed in blocks of colour.

Monday, 29 August 2016

Selective Feeding - Goldfinches & Bullfinches

Each morning as I walk down the lane I witness two flocks of birds, each feeding on different wild foods. To my right is a field with thistles attracting a flock of about a dozen goldfinches and to my left is a field with sowthistle with a family group of five or six bullfinches. Each flock offers a colourful start to the day.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016


The combine harvesters have been denuding the fields of wheat and barley. Masses of birds, mainly wood pigeons and members of the crow family have descended to feast on the spilt kernels. The skylarks have finished breeding but are still present on the fields though they have tended to congregate on the lower levels. There have been some immature greenfinches flying around in pursuit of their parents which means there was a quite late brood. Otherwise, moulting birds are very much in hiding few are to be seen around the hedgerows.